Multimodal Poetic Corpus: Principles of Construction and Markup Features Savchuk S. O., Makhova A. A.Труды Института русского языка им. В.В. ВиноградоваPublication date:2022Annotation:MetadataAudience:LinguistsCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article
Multimodal Russian Corpus and its use in emotional studies Savchuk S. O., Makhova A. A.Russian journal of communicationPublication date:2021Annotation:MetadataAudience:LinguistsCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextLanguage:ENGType of publication:Scientific article
On the diachronic aspect of gestural communication Savchuk S. O.Languages and ModalitiesPublication date:2021Audience:LinguistsCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextLanguage:ENGType of publication:Scientific article
The diagraph analysis in the research of the arts as communication Savchuk S. O.Когнитивные исследования языка / гл. ред. Н.Н. Болдырев. Вып. 1(44): Когнитивные исследования естественной коммуникации: Qs&As: материалы Круглого стола. Московский государственный лингвистический университет. 29 октября 2020 г.Publication date:2021Audience:LinguistsCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article
The Multimedia Russian Corpus of the National Corpus of the Russian Language as a Component of the Authentic Learning Environment for Teaching Russian Language and Culture to Non-Russian-Speaking Students Fidchuk M. Yu.Высшее образование сегодняPublication date:2020Audience:Russian as a foreign language teachersCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article
Features of oral scientific discourse: based on the materials of the Russian National Corpus Savchuk S. O.Анализ разговорной русской речи (АР3-2019) Труды восьмого междисциплинарного семинараPublication date:2019Audience:LinguistsCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article
The diachronic aspect of nonverbal communication: new and forgotten gestures Savchuk S. O.«Слово и жест». Научная конференция, посвященная памяти Е. А. Гришиной («Гришинские чтения»). Материалы конференцииPublication date:2019Audience:LinguistsCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article
Russian gestures from a linguistic perspective (dedicated to the publication of Elena A. Grishina’s monograph) Fedorova O. V.Вопросы языкознанияPublication date:2018Audience:LinguistsCorpus:MultimediaFormat:TextFunctionality:SubcorpusLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article
Multimedia Module as Part of the National Corpus of the Russian Language: Directions of Development Savchuk S. O., Makhova A. A.Анализ разговорной русской речиPublication date:2017Annotation:Metadata, Morphological, SemanticAudience:LinguistsCorpus:Multimedia, MultiPARCFormat:TextFunctionality:SubcorpusLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article
Non-public speech and ways of its presentation in the National Corpus of the Russian Language Savchuk S. O., Lyashevskaya O. N.В сборнике: Анализ разговорной русской речи (АР3 - 2017) Труды седьмого междисциплинарного семинараPublication date:2017Audience:LinguistsCorpus:Accentological, Multimedia, SpokenFormat:TextLanguage:RUSType of publication:Scientific article