RNC News

We are pleased to announce an important update of the search form on the Russian National Corpus website! Now users can add words before Word 1, thus making it much easier to compose and edit complex queries.

Previously, words could only be added to the right of Word 1 and subsequent words. For example, if you were searching for a construction like “adjective + pronoun + дорога (‘road’)”, having specified the syntactic relationship between these words, but then decided to search for “conjuction + adjective + pronoun + дорога (‘road’)”, you would have to rebuild the query from scratch. Now things are getting simpler: just click the “+” button on the left of the Word 1 and specify any attribute such as “conjunction”.

Please note: the principle of calculating the distance between words remains unchanged. The distance is always set from left to right: from the new Word 1 to the original Word 1, and then to the subsequent words.