RNC News

New texts totaling 100,000 tokens have been added to the Church Slavonic corpus. This is a small part of the collection of saints' lives compiled by the famous church figure Dimitri of Rostov (Tuptalo) in the early 18th century. This addition has significantly increased the size of narrative texts, which were previously almost exclusively represented by the Bible.

The corpus has been adapted to a complex orthography close to that used in printed Neo-Church-Slavonic books. For user convenience, a full search function is also available in simplified orthography, including the pop-up lemma dictionary.

The corpus, being both extensive and lexically rich, offers a "Similar Words" feature, which provides an illustrative representation of different semantic fields within Church Slavonic vocabulary.

The corpus also features the "Frequency" mode, allowing the analysis of the collocability of lexemes and grammatical markers. Please note that grammatical ambiguity has been resolved only to a limited extent so far.