RNC News
The Russian National Corpus now offers the possibility to download query results in Word format.
The new type of download is available in all the corpora within the RNC. It will be of use for lexicographers who describe words and word phrases, teachers who create exercises using the corpus data, and those users who find it convenient to process large datasets of examples in text format.
The structure of the file is the same for all corpora. On the first page, under Info, you will find information about the parameters of the relevant query, as well as a link to the query itself.
At the end of each example a sequence of letters and numbers in square brackets is specified. This is the example ID. It remains unchanged from the moment the text first enters the corpus and is not affected by changes to the corpus. This number allows you to track changes in the results of the same query, i.e. to differ between the pre-existing examples and those that first appear in a recent update.