Query comparison

For research, it is often necessary to analyze the results of several search queries simultaneously. Until now, most users have been comparing results independently by copying or uploading search results into Excel. For the main corpus, there has been an option to compare the results of the exact form search.

Since October 2023, the advanced option to compare results of multiple queries is available in the Corpus:

  • you can compare search queries of different types, for example, the results of two lemma and tags searches, or an exact search and a lemma and tags search
    • collocation search or bilingual search cannot be included in the comparison, as these are fundamentally different types of search results.
  • all comparisons are made within the same corpus, but different subcorpora can be specified in different queries. 
  • we ask you to sign in when working with comparisons, in order to be able to store a large number of query parameters and return to the comparison. 

The comparison option is available in all corpora in the new interface, wherever the graph is available.

Add to comparison

On the search results page in the query header, the Add to comparison button is shown

  • If you are not signed it, you will be prompted to enter your username and password when pressing the Log in button in the upper right corner of the page

  • Up to 5 queries can be added to the comparison. Once the limit on the number of queries has been reached, the Add to comparison button will become inactive. To add another query, you can remove one of the previously added queries from the comparison.

Compare queries

As soon as at least two queries are added to the comparison in the corpus, the Compare queries button will appear on the search page:

  • When you click the button, the page with the results of query comparison opens.
  • The Compare button is not displayed until you are not signed in. Authorization is required to determine which queries are stored for comparison for a specific user. This makes it possible to save comparison queries on one device and view and analyze the results on another device

There are two tabs on the query comparison page.

By default, the Queries tab opens, showing a table with query parameters. For each query, the specified values of meta attributes and word attributes are shown. Rows in which attribute values differ are highlighted. The active link in the column header of the table allows you to go to the search results for the query. To replace the query added to the comparison, you need to enter new query parameters and perform a search, then add a new query to the comparison, and delete the unnecessary one. Queries can be removed from the comparison using the Remove query and Remove all queries buttons.

On the Graphs tab you can see and compare the chronological distribution of the search results. For each request, the line and the dots have a specific color (see legend in the upper right corner). 

In some corpora, under the graph, you can see the thermal scales of the appropriate color, demonstrating the number of texts in which examples are found.

For more information about graph analysis, see the article Chronological distribution of search results.

Share your comparison

To send the results of your research to your colleagues, you can click on the Copy link button in the Corpus header. The short link will be copied to the clipboard.

To open a link sent by anyone, signing in is not required. The comparison page will be shown in view mode.

Note that:

  • If you want to decline another person's query and return to viewing your own set of queries for comparison, just click the Reset comparison button
  • If you click on the Save comparison button, the previously saved queries will be deleted and replaced with the ones you see on the screen
Save query comparisons

Comparisons can be saved to your personal account. To save a comparison, click the Save query comparison button on the query comparison page. After saving the comparison, the button will change to Query comparison saved and become inactive.

To view saved comparisons, go to your personal account by clicking on the username in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then select the Saved query comparisons tab. 

The following information about query comparisons is available in the personal account:

  • corpus and subcorpus in which the requests were made;
  • date and time when the comparison was saved;
  • query parameters (the same parameters that you see in the query bar).

The user can give a custom name to the saved comparisons, copy a short link to the query comparison, go to the comparison results via the link and delete the comparison. Comparisons will be deleted forever.

Users can save an unlimited number of comparisons.

Updated on 06.12.2024