RNC News

The Poetry corpus has been expanded by 400,000 word uses. In particular, new texts by twentieth-century poets have been added, as well as a large collection of Russian translations of ancient poetry, including hexametric versions of Iliad, "Aeneid" and Horatian "Satyres".

All the parallel bilingual corpora are now available in the new interface.

The interface of the Old East Slavic corpus has been substantially updated, it is now connected to the Overview feature. The selection of a subcorpus within the Old East Slavoc corpus is now available on a separate page. You can select from a list one or more Slavic literary monuments to be searched.

In the collocations search the user can specify the syntactic links. For example, if a user specifies решение 'solution' as the key, "verb" as a grammatic feature of the collocate, "object" as a syntactic role, the second word as a dependent, they can find out what is most often done with solutions (принять 'accept', согласовать 'agree', etc.). The table with the search results will show the 100 most frequent collocations with this syntactic relationship. For each of these collocations you can access a list of examples by clicking on the link.

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