RNC News

In May, we significantly upgraded several corpora at once: Middle Russian, Church Slavonic and Spoken. They now feature new types of search results, such as Frequency, Statistics, and n-grams. With the new functionality you can find out, for example, which combinations of verbs in liturgical texts occur more often: пойте и превозносите ‘sing and exalt’ or радуйтеся и веселитеся ‘rejoice and be merry’, as well as determine which imperatives have рука ‘hand’ as an object.

Statistics also appeared in Word at a glance and Сorpus portrait. Users of the Middle Russian, Church Slavonic and Spoken Corpora can also customize downloading search results and sort them in KWIC mode.

Users can now search lemmas and forms with regular expressions in all these corpora, as well as in the Old East Slavic corpus, the "Russian Classics" and "From 2 to 15" corpora.

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