RNC News

In the Word at a glance of the Main, Educational, and Media corpora, as well as the "From 2 to 15" and "Russian Classics" collections, a new Word Sketch Difference feature has been introduced!

This new functionality allows users to see similarities and differences in the usage of two words. For example, you can explore what время ‘time’ and деньги ‘money’ have in common or analyze what can be колючий versus колкий (both ≈ ‘sharp, prickly’).

Word Sketch Difference is available for nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. You can compare two lemmas belonging to the same part of speech. However, sketches are not generated for words that appear fewer than in three different texts, as well as for proper names, abbreviations, and words with non-standard spellings.

For comparison, the top 6 collocates are selected for each keyword. The comparative table may contain fewer than 12 collocates if one or both keywords have fewer than six collocates or if there is an overlap in their top 6 lists.