RNC News

Word Portrait has been updated: 

  • Sketches and "Similar Words" are now available not only in the Main corpus, but also in the Regional corpus as well
  • The information about frequency of words has been added
  • The most frequently occurring part of speech for the target word is now displayed in the portrait (e.g. noun is displayed first for query печь, and verb is displayed first for query стать)

A new corpus of Social networks appeared within the RNC. It features more than 160 million word uses since 2007. All texts are taken from open sources: VK, Telegram, Livejournal, Liveinternet, Blogspot. “Social networks" are defined as widely as possible, including blog posts and messengers. Language in social networks is the most dynamic and free from regulatory restrictions. It reflects changes in vocabulary (including slang), semantic evolution, developments in grammar, and typical mistakes.

The Dialect corpus interface has been substantially updated, the corpus is connected to the “Overview” feature. Metatext markup has been edited (in particular, the selection of geographical locations has been improved). Within the dialect corpus, running multimedia clips can be performed directly in the output interface.

We launch a β-version of the search for user manuals, corpus descriptions, announcements, and other materials available on the RNC site. The current version of the Site Search has some limitations, please read the description

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