RNC News

In the Word at a glance service, the morphemic structure of each word is visualized: prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings are highlighted using the geometrical signs adopted in the school Russian language teaching. The word structure annotation is based on the morphemic dictionary specially developed for the corpus. Automatical annotation is added for the lemmas that are absent in the morphemic dictionary by the NeuroRNC algorithm. Please note that the morphemic structuring of words may differ from what you are accustomed to (see "Principles of annotation").

Errors of automatic annotation are always possible. Please report errors using the "Rate" button.

The multilingual parallel corpus is available in the new interface, as well as within the Word at a glance and Get overview services. Now all the parallel corpora are available in the new interface.

For the Old East Slavic corpus, the Word at a glance service and Word frequency widget are available.

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