RNC News

In December 2023, our team completed a large-scale project to migrate the RNC website to a new user interface. The project started in 2022 and users were introduced to the newly designed main page of https://ruscorpora.ru for the first time in May of last year. Throughout the project, we progressively implemented the new search interface for all corpora, as well as introduced various innovations and improvements to help our users complete their routine tasks faster and more efficiently.

Some of the key features of the new interface include:

1. Accessibility from mobile devices and the option to switch to the English version.

2. Features overview service for introducing the new interface to new audiences and highlighting the latest innovations.

3. Portraits of corpora, subcorpora, and words at a glance, providing users with diverse perspectives on the information.

4. Extensive visualization capabilities to visually represent complex information.

5. Quick access to standard tasks, such as shortcuts to main functionalities from the main page, information about the query and subcorpus in the page header, saving user preferences, short links to share results, and more.

For further details on these and other tasks that the new interface solves, read the article.

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