RNC News

Syntactic relations are available for search within the Lemma and Tags search forms in the Main and Regional corpora. Both syntactic features of a word and a syntactic relation between any two words can be specified. The Syntactic relation field is available in the Lemmas and tags search if the search form features more than one word, starting from the second one. To see it, click “Add condition”. The new functionality, for example, allows us to determine students of what educational institutions' are mentioned most frequently in the Main corpus.

Please note that syntactic annotation is featured within the RNC in two different formats, namely within the Syntactic corpus (the SynTagRus format) and within the Main, Educational, and Regional (the Universal Dependencies format). When switching between corpora with different syntactic annotation, syntactic parameters are not preserved within the search query.

For more information about the syntactic annotation in the RNC, see the Syntactic annotation page.

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