RNC News

We have updated the Educational Corpus with over 1,000 new texts. It now contains all the major works from the school curriculum, including those recommended for extracurricular reading.

But that's not all. For morphological annotation of all texts we have applied neural network models. The automatic annotation has resolved grammatical homonymy, allowing us to add modern tools for analyzing words and texts to the Educational Corpus.

The Word at a Glance function shows collocations, similar words, frequency of use, paradigms and history of use, as well as examples from corpus texts. You can use the Query comparison to compare the frequency of use of words and phrases. 

You can also analyze texts. For this purpose, there is the Corpus portrait section, which provides information about the history of creation and composition of the corpus, as well as statistics and frequency vocabulary. With the Subcorpus portrait section, one can analyze the features of selected texts and compare them with the rest of the corpus.

With the new tools, it is possible to compose more diverse assignments for students. Students can also use them for independent research, for example, for writing an essay. For those teachers and students who are ready to conduct more complex research, we have added new types of search results output (Statistics, Frequency, N-grams) and a new type of search – Collocation Search.

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